butch ricker
2004-09-18 05:02:25 UTC
Subject: The Sweetness of the Wereo
It truly is one of the most unbelievable things that has ever happened in
world history that only one 16 year kid, and that was me, was able to pull
this thing out of the rubble. Really un-fucking-believable!
When I was 16 I had some great times. That was 1984.
Well anyway, Thank you for fucking taping it for us Scott and back in the
Napster days when you fucking shared it with us in the Sabbath group! YOU
Thou art the CHRIST oh the Pillar of Fire.
You also fucking own all the slumpies' small goddamned, cocksucking,
motherfucking minds.
King of the Posters
Fuck! Even the bands that day are of less goddamned, cocksucking,
motherfucking importance than you!
Thank you Smokey. That's one of the greatest compliments I've ever heard.
The awesome combo of Nuclear Warrior and the Wereo will rule the Earth
forever, no doubt.
Look at how foolish and non-intellectual the mainstream media is today
because of Nuclear Warrior. If those clowns had any gumption, they would
bust out there one day and say;
"All music and culture and media has been destroyed and overriden by Nuclear
But I'm beginning to think these gutless fools have no intention of doing
that. That's why I believe the Good People like you and me and Damon and
everyone else good here are gonna have to create our OWN New Media. I can't
depend on these mainstream robots anymore.
King of the Posters
It truly is one of the most unbelievable things that has ever happened in
world history that only one 16 year kid, and that was me, was able to pull
this thing out of the rubble. Really un-fucking-believable!
When I was 16 I had some great times. That was 1984.
Well anyway, Thank you for fucking taping it for us Scott and back in the
Napster days when you fucking shared it with us in the Sabbath group! YOU
Thou art the CHRIST oh the Pillar of Fire.
You also fucking own all the slumpies' small goddamned, cocksucking,
motherfucking minds.
King of the Posters
Fuck! Even the bands that day are of less goddamned, cocksucking,
motherfucking importance than you!
Thank you Smokey. That's one of the greatest compliments I've ever heard.
The awesome combo of Nuclear Warrior and the Wereo will rule the Earth
forever, no doubt.
Look at how foolish and non-intellectual the mainstream media is today
because of Nuclear Warrior. If those clowns had any gumption, they would
bust out there one day and say;
"All music and culture and media has been destroyed and overriden by Nuclear
But I'm beginning to think these gutless fools have no intention of doing
that. That's why I believe the Good People like you and me and Damon and
everyone else good here are gonna have to create our OWN New Media. I can't
depend on these mainstream robots anymore.
King of the Posters